making the
best breed, better.
Life is hard. Raising cattle shouldn’t have to be.
We use a No-Nonsense Approach to make cattle that remain.
Fertility. Longevity. Profitability.
It’s easy these days to be overwhelmed by information. The number of tools that can be utilized for genetic selection are nearly infinite anymore. Our philosophy may seem “archaic” to some, but we believe what our eyes have seen. At Niobrara Red Angus, we are determined to produce the most progressive, problem-free Red Angus genetics, to be utilized by the cow-calf operator. Our cowherd started by setting the paper aside, and sorting the cattle phenotypically while watching mother nature’s effect too. This kind of sort takes years to accomplish. Feeling confident in their feet, bags, mothering ability, and efficiency, we are now utilizing genetics that make a genetic excellence claim on paper. Feel confident in knowing, the seedstock produced at Niobrara Red Angus descends from the most problem-free, practical, phenotypically elite Red Angus cattle in North America.