Fertility. Longevity. Profitability.
Our Philosophy & Direction
In the simplest way, our goal is to produce the most problem free, profitable, productive Red Angus seedstock available today, to promote longevity and elevate our customer’s product to the top of the marketplace.
After decades of the most thoughtful and strategic genetic acquisitions, initially setting the paper aside and sorting from the phenotypic strengths that promote in-herd longevity, Niobrara Red Angus has most recently been able to incorporate the breed’s most genotypically progressive options to generate the most well-rounded product the breed has today.
From the beginning, NIO spent considerable due diligence identifying and selecting for the most phenotypically relevant Red Angus females that were available anywhere. Relying heavily on Garrett Knebel’s experience and eye, we chose to isolate and breed from a much stouter, more robust Red Angus female than was commonplace in the breed in the United States. In doing so, that meant intentionally setting the paper or EPDs aside, to solidify the type and kind of female we wanted at the foundation of our business.
Certainly unpopular, we paid little attention to their ranking within the Red Angus Association of America’s database. Most of our cow herd originated from genetics found in Canada. With these Canadian cattle having no history of production or relation to other cattle in the U.S. database, we had to start from square one. And in the RAAA database, that means starting at the bottom.
Overtime and with patience from Jeff & Tami Keller, we’ve been able to watch how these cows and their progeny have begun to “climb the hypothetical ladder” in the database and are now much closer to reading comparatively accurate to the breed. Specifically, our base of cows has improved substantially in their Herd-Builder Index, having time and production now in their favor.
With an extremely solid, tight base of Red Angus cows now working for Niobrara Red Angus, the results we’re seeing are incredibly rewarding. We know our bulls are being produced from some of the most bulletproof, maternal, long-lasting cows in the breed. Now, we’ve begun incorporating some of the freshest genotypic, paternal leaders, with considerable mindfulness to the “bottom-side” of the bulls we identify to use.
That said, we still believe it’s valuable to utilize new, breed-leading genetics from North of the border. However, it’s imperative our customers understand these cattle are starting from square one on paper. You’d be made to believe these cattle are some cow-killing, nanny-goat performing critters with the marbling of a Belgian Blue. But the comparative, association data is not accurate. Our progeny from these foreign, imported cattle have no history of production in the U.S. database, and as stated, they’re forced to start from scratch.
That explained, we know we’re on the right track. Our Red Angus females have an undeniable advantage, conformationally, of strength, density, stoutness and foot quality. Inevitably, our customers are seeing that in the offspring sired by Niobrara Red Angus bulls.
EPDs are only as useful as the accuracies behind them. Accuracies are increased by progeny recorded. That’s important to understand. Equally as important a tool in the toolbox, is the actual data gathered. Birth weight, weaning weight, yearling weight, IMF and REA scans, calving intervals, etc. These are all critically important to evaluate and compare. Yet, true genetic progress requires breeding beyond the numbers most convenient for analyzing and visually selecting for or culling based on for real-world production traits. Feet, udders, fertility, and conformation; we believe that should be at the foundation of cattle selection.
In closing, we’re proud of our cattle. With the many herd visits Garrett Knebel is able perform on an annual basis, we aren’t “barn blind”. We put our cattle up against any, regardless of breed. That said, the cattle may never be Top 1% for a certain trait on paper. But if the cattle prove to have longevity and sire calves that have demand, we know we are headed in the right direction.

Our Team
Jeff & Tami Keller, Owners of Niobrara Red Angus, were born and raised in Niobrara, Nebraska, both graduating from Niobrara High. Together, they are blessed to have three incredible sons: Sam, Jack & Ben. Tami (Leader) Keller’s family made their living as Angus breeders in the area, originating with her grandfather, John Leader. Aspiring to have a herd of their own, they chose Red Angus cattle and enjoy the opportunity Niobrara Red Angus gives their sons to be more involved in agriculture.
Jacob Bathke, Ranch Manager, resides and oversees Niobrara Red Angus with his wife, Madison, and their very recent new addition, Steely Joe Bathke. He manages and oversees the daily operations of the ranch and is responsible for the wellbeing of the cattle. Jacob graduated college with a degree in agronomy, but he couldn’t leave his passion for cattle behind. Jacob is grateful for the opportunity to work with the Keller Family and their high-quality cattle. Even though most of his days are spent with cattle, he says what he loves most about his job are the people. He would also like to acknowledge and thank his family and friends who help him throughout the year.
Meg Penrod, Office Manager, is a lifelong resident of Lincoln, Nebraska. Meg received her BFA from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln and spent 12 years working in interior design. In 2019, Meg and her husband, Tanner, adopted their oldest daughter, Sloan, and two years later, they had a welcomed surprise when their second daughter Scarlett came along! Meg has spent the last several years at home raising their girls, but her love for working with people and passion for animals drew her to work for Niobrara Red Angus.
Garrett Knebel, Marketing Manager, resides in Bozeman, MT. There he owns and operates Harmony Hill, a progressive Red Angus operation focused on seedstock for the commercial cow-calf operator. With a degree from Oklahoma State University, Garrett’s main responsibilities for Niobrara Red Angus include marketing, consulting, breeding, and seedstock selection. In his spare time, he travels the country visiting with fellow Red Angus breeders and judging livestock shows.